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Soprano Ice

Laser Hair Removal

The Most Advanced Solution for LASER HAIR REMOVAL





Benefits of Laser Hair Removal


This non-invasive process is incredibly safe with very, very few risks

No downtime

You are free to return to daily activities immediately. We just request you cover the area with a high SPF and avoid strong UV rays after


The results of laser hair removal are noticeable from your first session and by the end of the course can be even more effective


We only need to conduct laser hair removal for you once a month and the sessions are very short

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Treatment Areas

At our Salon you can undergo advanced laser treatment from nearly any part of your body, to finally get rid of that unwanted hair. The price depends on where on the body so book a free consultation or call us to find out more. Below are just a few of the areas we can treat:


  • Face

  • Forehead

  • Eyebrows

  • Glabella (between eyebrows)

  • Nose

  • Cheeks

  • Sideburns

  • Earlobes

  • Upper Lip

  • Chin

  • Jawline

  • Beard

  • Neck (front)

  • Neck (back)

Upper Body

  • Full Back

  • Half Back

  • Chest

  • Nipple

  • Shoulders

  • Shoulder Blades

  • Full Arm

  • Forearm

  • Underarm

  • Hands and Fingers

  • Fingers

  • Stomach Centre Line

Lower Body

  • Hip Area

  • Full Leg

  • Upper Leg

  • Lower Leg

  • High Leg

  • Groin

  • Brazilian

  • Hollywood

  • Buttocks

  • Testicles

  • Toes and Feet

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Step One

We start our treatment on your chosen areas, focusing on any actively-growing hair to produce the best results.

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Step Two

The melanin in your hair absorbs the heat from the SopranoIce Platinum laser, and heats the entire hair shaft.

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Step Three

The hair follice will be destroyed (Or at least severely weakened) by the process, causing it to detach from the hair shaft.

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Step Four

Once the hair follicle has been destroyed, it is impossible for the hair to grow back – Leaving you completely hairless in the treated area.

How does Laser Hair Removal Work?

We advise you shave the area 8-12 hours before, unless it is a hard to reach area in which case first we will shave the area for you. You will wear protective eyewear and a cool gel will be applied to the area. Our laser will be glided over the area required several times. You may feel a warm sensation but the heat will always be bearable.


Are there any Laser Hair Removal Side Effects?

Absolutely, our lasers meet the highest safety standards in the industry. There is a rare risk of temporary marks but all risks will be explained at a consultation.


How Many Sessions Are Needed?

Between 6 – 8 sessions is generally recommended but we can advise further upon completing a consultation.


Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?

It is said to feel like a rubber band snapping against your skin and hurts way less than waxing and is quicker!

  1. Shave area to be treated at least 4 days to a week before treatment. Male clients should shave a day before.

  2. Hair should be 1 mm in length.

  3. Female clients should not wear any make-up before treatment due to the pigments which interfere with the procedure.

  4. If sensitive to a slight stinging sensation, clients may use topical anesthetic eg. Emla or Topla 30 minutes prior to treatment. This cream should be brought along for top up before treatment.


  1. Always use sun protection and remember to reapply according to factor number.

  2. Exfoliate one and a half to two weeks after treatment to assist the hair to fall out and prevent ingrown problems.

  3. Do not thread, wax, pluck, use depilatory creams or bleach whilst on a course of laser treatments. Shaving or trimming   with a scissors is permissible.

  4. Try to keep scheduled appointments so as to keep up with your hair growth cycle.

  5. No hot showers or use of abrasive products immediately after treatment.

  6. Make sure not to use products that contain alcohol after treatment.


  1. If pregnant check with your doctor.

  2. If using Retinol A products or on Roacutane one should wait at least 3 to 6 months before having a laser treatment.

  3. If epileptic check with your doctor.

  4. Patients with Pacemaker.

  5. Grey hair cannot be treated. 

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